More clients, faster
Learn the proven method to double your clients in 90 days, so you can help more people, make a bigger difference on the planet, and free yourself from worrying about where your next client is coming from.
Do You Feel Stuck and Overwhelmed Finding Your Next Client?
People have been asking us for years, “Hey Marcus & Andy: I’m great at what I do, but how do I attract more clients? I know I’m here for something special, but how do I get my message out to the world and reach a bigger audience?”
We know over 90% of wellness businesses fail in the first 5 years because they don’t learn the simple secrets of what to DO versus what NOT to do.
We are now invited to teach and present all over the world, and we couldn’t possibly reach all the practitioners, healers and coaches in the world to personally give them the exact TO DO advice they need to succeed in their specific business.
So, that’s why we created the Wellness Client Blitz! If you know you’re here to make a difference, earn a good income doing what you love, while helping more people, then please READ CAREFULLY…
For a limited time we’re opening up registrations for our ground breaking, 90 day program, the Wellness Client Blitz, at a 75% discount!
In the program, we’ll personally walk a small group of inspiring Wellness Leaders and business owners down the path to a six or seven figure wellness business, giving you the income and positive reach you’ve always dreamed of!
When you take a look below you’ll learn exactly what you’ll get when you work alongside us to get booked-up with clients you love!
How The Wellness Client Blitz Program Can Help You Reach Your Wellness Business Goals
Introducing the “Wellness Client Blitz”
Each Module in the Wellness Client Blitz is intuitively sequenced to give you the best chance of getting booked up in 90 days.
Breaking through the roller coaster phase of up and down clientele and cash flow is one of the most challenging aspects of building a successful wellness business. Most people get one or two elements installed into their business, but rarely do they get the “sequence” right.
As you’ll see below, where we outline the WCB modules, building a successful business requires the right Mindset (FLOW), the right Positioning (GURU), the right Scripts (MESSAGE), the right Delivery (MAGIC) and the right Strategy (LEVERAGE).
Check out below for more info.
5 Phases of the WCB Program
Overview Of The Program
Module 1: Flow
In this module you'll discover untapped neural potential and break free from doubts, fears and money issues by learning our signature methodology to get you into alignment and attracting your dream practice fast..
PART 1: The Friction Finder
Identify hidden patterns that keep you stuck with no clients and a rollercoaster cash flow. We'll help you clarify your business goals and the steps it will take to achieve them.
PART 2: Core Alignment
Discover how to attune yourself to your inner wisdom and the true purpose of
your wellness business. Learn how to turn doubt into confidence, and confidence into conviction. In this section we teach you some powerful methodologies about what it means and what it takes to become a Wellness Leader and leave your lasting Legacy on the planet.
PART 3: The Gameplan
If you struggle with accountability, not to worry. Once we setup your goals and milestones, you'll get access to a signature coaching app that will help you define your program and keep you on track, and achieving your goals for the entire 90 days.
Module 2: Guru
In Module 2 we'll help you elevate yourself from the ever increasingly competitive "modality" practitioner industry and instead, position you as the go-to authority on your area of expertise. We'll help you define your expertise so you can continue to serve thousands or millions of people for decades to come.
LESSON 1 : Guru Essence
It's hard work trying to sell yourself as your modality. Instead, we'll help you discover the one word that represents who you are here to be and what you are here to do.
Learn that wellness leadership is about being more OF yourself and not more THAN yourself. In this lesson we help you realign with the one thing that truly matters - and that is, offering the world the real and authentic YOU, the person you were born to be.
LESSON 2: Avatar Niche
Contrary to popular belief, you're NOT here to help everyone. Ditch your energy zapping clients and start attracting clients you love working with. We'll help you to begin identifying your A grade clients. Those client who love working with you, and you love working with them in mutual positive evolution. We show you how to begin attracting your ideal clients to you simply and easily.
When answering the question "what do you do?" most people respond with the intention of trying to be understood. The answer is usually crazy, convoluted and chaotic with the person leaving the conversation wishing they've never asked you the question in the first place!
The secret, instead is to communicate with the intention of generating intrigue. Intrigue is a funny thing. Intrigue sparks curiosity, curiosity is childlike and divine, it's our natural state of being.
LESSON 1: Message Matrix
We'll show you how to communicate who you are, what you do and why you do it within 12 seconds flat!
People can't helped but be intrigued by someone who knows exactly who they are! Discover how to communicate clearly to anyone, anywhere at anytime without even needing to think about it. We'll give you the scripts, you instal them, make them your own and the world is your oyster!
LESSON 2: The StoryArc
Having an authentic story that lands in the lap of your audience and inspires them to heal and transform is something most wellness leaders are sadly missing.
Using aspirational language formulas we'll help you clearly and succinctly craft your unique leadership story, your expert bio and even the "about us" section on your website so you maximum your reach and your impact.
Module 4: Magic
LESSON 1: The Wellness Journey
Too many wellness business owners sell their services with an hourly rate. This is the quickest way to becoming a commodity and being classified as "just another [insert modality here] practitioner. We'll show you how to craft signature wellness programs, packages and products based on an easy to apply formula that will resonate with you new and current clients and sell like hotcakes. Giving you less "time for money" scenario and larger streams of income more consistently throughout the year.
LESSON 2: The 9 Attraction Actions
Too many people are taking the wrong actions at the wrong time and still have no new clientele or income. There are 9 key actions that will bring in clients tomorrow and for the future of your business. We take you through each of these individually, providing scripts, formulas and templates so you can go out there and get booked up in record time.
- Positive Delusion - A powerful tool to envision and implement your dream business
- Referral Partner Networking - Learn how to sell "through" others rather than "to" the public.
- 3 R's - The Re-book/Re-call and Refer imperative. Without it your business will collapse
- Health check - The little known secret of ALL successful wellness business owners
- Public Talks - How to convert your audience in high paying clients who love working with you
- Networking - Learn to develop strategic relationships for consistent streams of new clientele
- Publishing - How to use the power of Education Marketing to build a global tribe of followers
- Social Media - How to leverage SM for nurturing and converting your audience into clients.
- Webinars - How to sell from Webinars using our proven "virtual velocity" formula.
Module 5: Lift
What's the plan for your wellness business? Have you thought about how you will "scale" your business so it makes money while you sleep? 95% of wellness business owners DON'T have a retirement fund or plan!
Have you even thought that one day you might want some time off? Or an extended trip? Do you have a lucrative "exit" strategy from your business, or a way to evolve onto other interests and passions if they might arise?
In this module we focus on giving you the blueprint and "scaling" tools to instal the right leveraging "systems" into your business so it can evolve along with you, your service to the world and your deepest passions.
LESSON 1: The Lift Gameplan
The lift gameplan is really the lowest hanging fruit for any wellness business owner and the most powerful way of earning very large chunks of income relatively easily.
Using this one strategy Andy was able to bring in an extra $75,000 in only 6 weeks! This is about packing up your expertise and launching it as a private one-one coaching, mentoring or training program. We'll show you the exact formula Andy used and have since taught to thousands of others all over the globe for maximum profit with minimal effort and 500% more passion, and astronomically better results.
LESSON 2: The Leverage Gameplan
Every wellness business owner needs to earn money while they sleep. Wouldn't you agree? Also, every wellness business owner needs to be making a difference while they sleep too!
Your leverage gameplan is your "legacy". It's THAT program that represents the best of you packaged up and delivered online both locally AND globally for maximum impact and income. WE'II show you the exact "launch" formula we use to help you get your message out to the world in a BIG way.
This is the secret to scaling your business so rather than YOU working for your business and getting burnt out and miserable, your business starts working for you AND the planet, matching the full potential of who you are here to be and the legacy you are here to leave behind.
A wellness business that grows with you, and is unlimited in it's potential... It can't get any better than that!
Here's What People Are Saying and How We’ve Helped
Last month was my busiest ever, I made over $17,000.
Thank you Andy and Marcus!
Helen Mitas Director of Hypnofit
Our practice now generates over 1000 new patients per year, our previous best numbers were around 160. We’re on track for $1,000,000 in revenue!
Andrew Arnold DC Director of Cranbourne Family Chiropractic
Officially I now have over 60 bookings in my upcoming calendar. Thanks to the program I’m always focused on the next step.
Kim Sandgren Director Inspired Health & Prosperity
Plus These 5 Exclusive Bonuses

BONUS #1 - Step-by-step Action Templates And Checklists
We take all of the guesswork out of what to do and how to do it and make implementing the skills easy and stress free. Done-for-you materials are released with each training lesson.
Plus you’ll get access to: the accountability tool called the Game Plan where you can plan out your 90 day targets, monthly goals, and weekly actions. This accountability tool will help you to stay on track, manage your actions and manage your success through the Scoreboard.

BONUS #2 - Scripts
Get a complete set of Scripts that include, phone scripts, client referral scripts, session scripts, health check scripts, public talk scripts and conversion scripts. These scripts will help you deliver your message and magic quickly and effectively.

BONUS #3 - Private Facebook Group
Here you can get additional support from the WCB community as you travel the journey together. Never feel alone or that you have to do it all by yourself. Share your successes, find an accountability buddy, or collaborate with other participants in our private community.

BONUS #4 - Virtual Velocity Training
Learn how to leverage your practice from 1 to 1 into a 1 to Many business, so you can reach more people, make a better income an make a much bigger difference.
This will be your retirement fund. It's how you earn money while you sleep. Our Virtual Velocity - "How to Run Profitable Webinars" training series will provide you with the freedom to continue working and making a difference from anywhere on the planet.

BONUS #5 - Free Tickets to WLR
One FREE ticket to the WELLNESS LEADERSHIP REVOLUTION live event in a city near you. Here you will spend time working ON your business in a LIVE workshop setting and get personalized help, guidance and the latest marketing strategies to build your wellness business for more TIME, LOCATION and FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
Here's What People Are Saying
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Top Frequently Asked Questions
A: This system will show you step-by-step how to get your message out there and become an authority in your niche.
You are but you just don’t see it yet. This program will reveal your expertise.
No one does what you do. We’ll show you how to find your unique selling point.
Once you learn the system and have a clear direction, you’ll gain so much confidence.
This program is wellness specific. The wellness industry is unlike any other. That’s why other training programs haven’t worked.
We’ll show you ways you can market without it costing a penny.
This program is designed for people in your exact situation.
No one ever feels ready. If you want to make real change in your life, you just have to make a start.